the wrong way to approach sales

When I launched the website for Unreal Collective and opened applications in June, I was so proud of it. It was the most beautiful website I’d ever made personally, I had created the perfect sales…


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photo by me , California

Travel the back road into solitude where

Thousands of seeds lie dormant

Waiting , waiting endlessly for the rain

Which will spring the rusty key and

Sprout them into impossible being

From the light sandy floor

Craving the silence, you wait

To hear your own barren thoughts emerge

The wind comes to carry your inner voice

To tell you what you cannot say

But lies dormant waiting within

Your stony heart, softened now

The mountain reminds you of

Your sleeping power

How you stood before drought, and sorrow

And blossomed after the tears fell

Each time more gnarly, more beauteous

In defiance , out of the suppression…..

You’ve traveled this road before.

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